DRIM - Transnational Workshop in Belgrade


On January 24, 2019 YUCOM, one of the DRIM project partners, organized DRIM project meeting and DRIM Transnational Workshop in Belgrade.

DRIM Transnational Workshop took place at the Hotel Moskva in Belgrade, a beautiful historical venue. Transnational workshop was addressing the importance of information for migrants and possibilities of improving information infrastructure for migrants in the Danube region. Special attention was devoted to Danube Region Information Platform for the Economic Integration of Migrants, supported by the INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme and the European Union.

Workshop gathered representatives of organizations and institutions from 8 Danube region countries and some invited guests from other countries. Among the speakers there were also representatives from Canadian and Swedish Embassies and legal interns from Canada working in Serbia, while the event was presided by Ms Brankica Janković, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality. Dr. Martina Bofulin, DRIM project leader, introduced the workshop with the following words:

“Improving access to information can sound perhaps to some as an anachronistic buzzword since we live in a time where fast and almost limitless exchange of information seem to be a defining feature of our societies. In fact, it appears more and more people are bothered by too many information rather than lacking in information. Paradoxically, however, research and everyday experiences point to the fact, that some groups of people are seriously disadvantaged in accessing information in general, but especially in getting vital information that may have a huge impact on the quality of their lives. Among these groups are also people who have just come and settled in our countries. Working as a community interpreter for the Chinese community in the past I have witnessed on a regular basis problem, misunderstandings and lost opportunities due to lack of having some crucial information on conducting business, having your health checked or accessing one or the other right.”

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)