Linking Danube - KICK-OFF-MEETING IN VIENNA - FEBRUARY 13-14, 2017


The kick-off-meeting of the Linking Danube project was held in Vienna and hosted by the lead partner AustriaTech. Linking Danube partners met to discuss and clarify administrative issues; prepare and agree on a timeplan for the most urgent tasks; share knowledge and agree on individual responsibilities.


The first day started with an introduction round followed by a welcome speech by Martin Boehm, representative of AustriaTech. Next the project manager, Bettina Neuhauser, presented the project objectives and lead partner project team. In the following sessions the main objectives and work planning were highlighted for all work packages of the project by each WP leader.


In the second day the discussions focused in the concept of linking services and the Pilot Actions. Also a representative of each partner made brief presentation of their proposals on linking services and demonstration area/use case.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)