REFOCuS - The second project meeting took place in Jastrebarsko


Project partners gathered for the two-day project meeting in Jastrebarsko at the premisses of the Croatian Forest Research Institute.

They discussed status of data collection, as well as ongoing and future project activities. Partners also visited the newly established regional seed bank for riparian species in the Institute. The bank currently ocupied by Black Alder seeds succesfully collected in Croatia and Slovenia. Among other they discussed the practicalities and the content of a next stakeholder workshop scheduled in Novi Sad, 17-18 April 2019.

The information on the workshop will follow soon.


Group photo in the front of the Croatian Forest Research Institute (Photo: Marta Curman)


Black Alder seed collected in Murska šuma in Slovenia and deposited in the regional seed bank for riparian species in Croatian Forest Research Institute (Photo: Marta Curman)

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)