RADAR - RADAR project Study visits in March 2019


Study visits in Ljubljana and Zagreb

Study visit on provision for VRUs (vulnerable road users - pedestrians and cyclist in particular) will be executed on 28 and 29 March 2019 in Croatia (Zagreb) and Slovenia (Ljubljana) under the responsibility of Automobile Motorcycle Association of Slovenia (AMZS) and University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (FPZ). Study visits will focus on sites where countermeasures were successfully implemented and where the best opportunities exist to employ future countermeasures.

Four Study visits in 2019

RADAR aims to improve the capacity of technical personnel and engineers responsible for road safety in the participating countries (PPs and ASPs) through country-tailored training courses that will demonstrate how to assess road networks for safety, prioritise road sections for upgrades and match crash countermeasures to high-risk sections.

RADAR will broaden its practical knowledge through 4 Study visits in Slovenia/Croatia, United Kingdom, Hungary and Austria to demonstrate best practices in the Thematic Areas. Technical representatives and experts of Project Partners and Associated Strategic Partners will travel for 2-day study visits to exchange knowledge about road safety solutions, concretely implemented in selected locations and showing positive results.

RADAR project will organise the first Road Safety Expert Group meeting on Thematic Area 1 – Safer Roads Investment Plans in Ljubljana in March. 


RADAR project Calendar

March 27 First Road Safety Expert Group Thematic Area 1 meeting – Ljubljana, Slovenia 
March 28 – Study visit on provision for VRUs – Croatia
March 29 – Study visit on provision for VRUs – Slovenia 


*The Study visits, as well as Road Safety Expert Group Thematic Area meetings, are closed for public.


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)