EcoInn Danube - Unique publication on innovation and innovative entrepreneurship in Serbia - INOFANZIN


BELGRADE, February 5, 2019 - Within the Program for Promotion and Popularization of Innovation and Innovation Entrepreneurship, jointly implemented by the Cabinet of the Minister for Innovation and Technological Development and the Youth Office of the City of Belgrade, a unique publication on innovation and innovative entrepreneurship - INOFANZIN was published.

The publication is primarily intended for students, but also for all citizens, who can find it in educational institutions and digital hubs in Belgrade and Novi Sad, as well as the places where entrepreneurs and future innovators gather.

INOFANZIN is a kind of informer about all the activities of successful start-up companies from our country and is designed to follow the development of the Serbian innovation community and the experience of the innovator "from idea to realization".

The publication is a useful textbook for all who want to develop their entrepreneurial ideas and is now available at several faculties of the University of Belgrade and Novi Sad, in the Agency for Business Registers, the Career Development Center of the University of Belgrade, the Startit Center, the University Library, the Chamber of Commerce Serbia and many other places.

Read your copy of INOFANZIN:

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)