DAREFFORT - Green light for preparing common methodology based on national hydrological data wealth


National forecast systems, and sources of hydrological and meteorological data in the Danube River Basin will be well examined during 2nd phase of Dareffort project. On the periodic meeting in Vienna, Peter Juhasz from Work Package 2 responsible for communication gave a status on how many of the related countries completed the online questionnaire created for it. Fortunately the preparedness is well above 85 percent, with only partially incomplete parts in progress.

During the sessions in Danube Forecasting Forum on 5 February 2019, all responsible project partner guests briefly described their systems country by country, while guest lecturers gave both practical and theoretical outlook of how much the hydrological reporting, analysing and forecasting systems should rely on actual data and how much the success relies on models and formulas. Professor Andras Szöllösi-Nagy from National University of Public Service in Hungary emphasized that knowledge and professional human background is just as important for a good forecasting model than the collected data itself.  Collecting and sharing the datas required for good forecasts are not only a technical issue, but also involves political and legislative support. As Karoly Gombas from the ICPDR underlined, in the case of the Danube River, although the involved countries and institutions are very different, the positive cooperative attitude of the partners is undeniable, and the project also received endorsement from the ministers.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)