DAPhNE - consortium meets for the second time in Enns, Austria


On 6 February 2019, the Port of Enns hosted the 4th consortium meeting and the 5th work package leaders meeting in the framework of the DAPhNE project. The partners introduced the current status of all project activities, with special focus on eco-improvements practices for Danube ports, human resources development, industrial development initiatives in ports, public-private partnerships for port investments, innovation and new market opportunities. Project partner from Croatia (RGO Communications) led a demo presentation session on the recently developed Port Community System modules which were implemented by the Port of Enns and Port of Bratislava in the last months.

Project coordinator Pro Danube International presented the upcoming steps until the finalisation of the project in June 2019 and informed the consortium on the next open events:

  • 10 April 2019, Vienna: Port Policy Day – Official launch of the Danube Ports Network (DPN)
  • 11 April 2019, Vienna: International Conference on Port Digitalisation
  • 05 June 2019, Munich: Port Info Day 2019
  • 12 June 2019, Vienna: Final project event

Also, back-to-back with the DAPhNE project meetings, the Danube Ports Network (DPN) held its first Advisory Group meeting, where the designated members elected their President – Mr Bela Szalma. For more information on the composition of the Advisory Group as well as on the DPN’s activities, please refer to: www.danubeports.eu


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)