DanuBioValNet - Eco Construction – building with wood, recycling and reuse




  • 13 March 2019 09:00 – 18:00
  • 14 March 2019 09:30 – 13:00


Business Upper Austria - OÖ Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH

Building Block B, 5th floor (media room), Hafenstraße 47-51

4020 Linz, Austria

Business Upper Austria Cleantech Cluster invites you to the pilot action Eco Construction - "Eco Construction – building with wood, recycling and reuse", in the name of the partners of DanuBioValNet project. The workshop will bring together interested companies, cluster members from project partner countries, cluster managers, business support organisation and experts. The objective is to facilitate cross-border and cross-regional cooperation of clusters and SMEs for creation of a bio-based value chain. The workshop will help to create interesting project ideas/initiatives and a macro regional network.

The first day will give you an overview of best practice examples from Austria for Eco Construction with interesting key note speakers, followed by a workshop for wood construction in urban areas as well as recycling oriented dismantling with a special focus on reuse. The day will finish with a guided tour with focus on architecture at the Paneum Asten near Linz (bus transfer provided). On the second day you will have the opportunity to attend the Messe Wels HANDWERK 2019 trade fair for craftsmanship and site visits of two more buildings on the way to Wels (bus transfer provided).

By the end of the event you will have:

  • Presented your company and exchanged expertise
  • Established contacts with leading actors of the Eco Construction Sector
  • Identified new business opportunities and found partners for your future project
  • Become part of new bio-based innovative ideas

Click HERE to register.

Official invitation find HERE

Agenda of the event find HERE


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA). dtp.interreg-danube.eu/danubiovalnet

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)