Danube GeoTour - The Idrija Heritage Centre Awarded Collective Trademark Certificates of the Idrija Geopark (Idrija Selected)



On Thursday, January 10, 2019, an event took place at the Idrija Youth Centre, where the collective trademark certificates of the Idrija Geopark were awarded (Idrija Selected). Idrija Heritage Centre created the collective trademark in 2018 in cooperation with local providers.

The IDRIJA SELECTED certificate of excellence is awarded to products and services that meet high standards of quality include locally produced raw materials and tell the story of tradition, culture and the lifestyle of the people living in the Idrija UNESCO Global Geopark.

The event with the awarding ceremony was the final act that rounded up the making of the Idrija Selected collective trademark. We presented the suppliers and their products, and solemnly awarded the certificates. The Head of the Idrija Heritage Centre, Ms. Sanja Marija Pellis, and the mayor of Idrija, Mr. Tomaž Vencelj, awarded the certificates.  Twelve handicraft products, 14 food products, 4 dishes served in a restaurant manner, and a tourist program of 17 providers received the certificates. In 2018, the recipients applied for the call for the acquisition of the right to use the logo of the collective trademark, and scored high marks, which testify to the excellence of Idrija crafts, gastronomy, and tourist offer. As part of the event, the employees of the Idrija Heritage Centre presented the creative process behind the collective trademark. The attendees could see an exhibition of selected handicraft products, and products of unique and industrial design. At the end of the event, guests could also taste certified goodies from the Idrija area.

In 2019, we plan to carry on with the activities that will solidify and expand the Idrija Selected trademark. The tender for obtaining the Idrija Selected certificate will also be re-launched.

The List of Providers and Products That Received the Certificate of Excellence:

- Pletenine Jerca (Ad Artem d.o.o ) received the certificate for a unique linen dress and a unique hand-knitted vest.

- The artist Urška Jurič (Mešani občutki) received the certificate for a hand-painted wooden box and a picture on a wood with a magnet.

- Lace School Idrija (Jurij Vega Grammar School, Idrija) received the certificate for a nuno felted scarf with Idrija lace.

- Studio Koder received the certificate for a towel with lace, and for a series of images called "Deliberating Over Lace".

- The creator Meta Pivk (Franc Pivk, complimentary activity on the farm) received the certificate for the Idrija dilca, a wooden board.

- The Fara Tourist Association received the certificate for a šajblčk (a small clay holder).

- Naturalina (Evgen Krivec, s.p.) received the certificate for a marigold ointment, natural olive soap called "autumn forest" and a natural lip balm - honey.

- The Klančar farm (Marjan Pivk, complimentary activity on the farm) received the certificate for plain yoghurt, fruit yogurt with forest fruits, and semi-hard cheese.

- Alojzija Strel (Alojzija Strel, complimentary activity on the farm) received the certificate for 

home-made soup noodles and home-made bread.

- The Smrekar Organic Farm (Viljem Kavčič, complimentary activity on the farm) received the certificate for cheese with walnuts.

- The beekeeper Bojan Troha (BOVA, complimentary activity on the farm) received the certificate for his mixed-flower honey and forest honey, and a set of three types of honey.

- The beekeeper Ciril Rupnik (Ciril Rupnik, complimentary activity on the farm) received the certificate for lime and forest honey.

- The House of Herbs (Master d.o.o) received the certificate for Geruš, a miners’ drink, Oglarjev požirek - a charcoal burner’s sip, and a tea party in a box.

- The Idrija Alpine Club received the certificate for a dish called Knapove sanje, and a GeoMenu.

 The Škafar Inn (Bela d.o.o) received the certificate for a local speciality: žlikrofi with bakalca, and the Rezi cake.

- The Hudornik Society received the certificate for the tourist program Hiking in the hills.

- The Idrija Youth Centre received the certificate for the Idrija Žlikrofi Festival.

All previous activities were free of charge for local providers and were carried out within the international Danube GeoTour project, which is co-funded by the European Union funds (ERDF, IPA).

Copyright Pictures UGGp Idrija Geopark

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)