DAPhNE - workshop on Physical Internet


Project partner FHOO attended an international workshop in order to disseminate the DAPhNE project and to get further input for the elaboration of the report on Danube Ports and the Physical Internet.

The Physical Internet Workshop was organised by ALICE and SENSE project (Accelerating the Path Towards Physical Internet - www.senseproject.eu) and took place in Munich on October 9th and 10th 2018. It was hosted by MAN Truck and Bus Forum, with the participation of over 30 ALICE members and external industry stakeholders. The purpose of the workshop was to:

  • Share and discuss the concept of the Physical Internet building consensus and providing feedback to ALICE Roadmap Towards Physical Internet.
  • Discuss and share which topics will play a key role for logistics and link them to the Physical Internet Development.
  • Define main areas of development for the Physical Internet and connect different ongoing projects and initiatives to them.
  • Identify specific short-term actions to get to next steps for the Physical Internet realization.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)