INDEED - June, 2017- May, 2020│SENSE GARDEN Project, AAL Programme One Room ~ 6 different experiences


The progressive impact of dementia on memory, communication, behaviour, orientation, and mood can have serious implications for an individual’s wellbeing. Whilst there is currently no cure for dementia, it has been suggested that activity involvement can improve the quality of life for individuals living with the disease. Activities such as sensory stimulation and reminiscence therapy have been shown to have positive effects on mood, memory, and self-identity.

October, 19 2018 - Pictures from Workshop ”SENSE-GARDEN Project – a new Approach in Reminiscence therapy” coordinated by Ileana Ciobanu, Rozeta Drăghici, Andreea Marin

From left to right, top to down: Mihai Zamfir, Mihaela Zamfir, Mihai Berteanu, Ileana Ciobanu, Andreea Marin, Rozeta Drăghici

The project will create four SENSE-GARDENs in Belgium, Norway, Portugal and Romania, where images, videos, music and scents will strengthen the awareness of older people with dementia by providing stimuli to the different senses, such as sight, touch, hearing, balance and smell.

These SENSE-GARDENs are filled with familiar music, videos and photos from known places and with known people. Pictures and videos are combined with music - maybe a large image of mountains together with singing birds. Smells - for example the odour of a pine forest - are dispersed with a scent delivery system. This provides an immersive space automatically adjusted to each visitor, creating a connection to the most preserved areas of the memory.

The SENSE-GARDEN will activate the persons with dementia both mentally and physically. They can for example cycle or walk in a well-known space and feel like they are going home. Such experiences may have an effect on invigorating their identity and helping recovering the sense of self.

INDEED Project Communication team, Mihaela Zamfir and Mihai Zamfir are also members of the SENSE GARDEN Project.

Media coverage:

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)