Transdanube.Pearls - Workshop on sustainable mobility and tourism held in Neusiedl


On the 17th of January 2019, the last workshop organized by the RMB on "Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in the Region" took place at the Weinwerk in Neusiedl as part of the Transdanube.Pearls project. The local stakeholders appeared numerous, among them representatives from the tourism sector, the transport sector and also from the Regional Government of Burgenland.

At the beginning, the results since the last workshop and all project relevant news were discussed. The report on the evaluation of the bus shuttle connecting the railway station with the outdoor pools oft he region as well as the current status of the Parndorf-Neusiedl buses were presented in the next step. The VOR also presented all the innovations with the year 2019 and the current mobility offers.

Finally, the Mobility Information Sheets were discussed, which were prepared in the course of the project for stakeholders in the tourism sector and collected a final feedback. The importance of tourism associations as decentralized mobility centers was discussed. The event ended with personal talks and exchanges.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)