EcoInn Danube - Compostable coffee capsules


The winner of the 23rd year of the international competition “Young Package” is Czech project of 100% compostable coffee capsules.

Organisation CzechDesign annually announces international competition “Young Package”. This year was the main topic “Coffee Mania”. To this year was registered 948 projects from 61 countries. The whole competition was divided into two categories: a) university students and designers and b) students from high schools and vocational schools.

The main prize of this international competition won Mrs. Veronika Janeckova with an original project proposal of coffee capsules made 100% from compostable material.

Disposable coffee capsules from classic coffee makers is big problem because it represents huge burden for the environment. This project is great example how can be solved this problem in the future.

More information you can find here:

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)