DBS Gateway Region - SAVE THE DATE! Final conference on 13 June 2019 in Krems, Austria



Final Conference on 13 June 2019 in Krems, Austria

The Regional Government of Lower Austria as Lead partner is pleased to invite you to the Final Conference of the Danube-Black Sea (DBS) Gateway Region project!

The conference will take place on the 12/13 June 2019 in Krems, Lower Austria.


We kindly invite all interested stakeholders to share their experience in the discussion and contribute in the territorial cooperation in the Danube Black Sea Region and thus support the implementation of our Joint Vision 2040.

The Joint Vision 2040 is a description of what the DBS Gateway Region would like to accomplish in the mid- and long-term future. It gives a jointly agreed direction and serves as guide for choosing current and future action. The vision is based on three pillars.

  • Strengthening the DBS Gateway Region: The DBS Gateway Region competes successfully at the international freight transport market by using the strength of a joint voice and international visibil­ity of a common brand and marketing strategy. The region has high potential for economic development with the Danube River as the backbone for environ­mentally friendly waterborne freight transport.
  • Strengthening the Regions: DBS Gateway Region is an economically prosperous region supported by com­petent, efficient and reliable logistic services along the whole transport chain.
  • Strengthening the Ports: DBS Gateway Region is an attractive gateway for maritime and inland water­way transport within Central Europe and the Western Black Sea Region and towards Western Europe, the entire Black Sea region, the Caspian region and the Far East with ports serving as modern intermodal nodes.

The first day of the event will be dedicated to meetings of the project consortium, whereas the second day will be public for all partners, politicians, interested stakeholders and target groups.

The participation is free of charge. The event will be held in English.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Krems!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)