FORESDA - Kick-Off Meeting in one week


The FORESDA consortium will hold its first KICK-OFF meeting in Ljubljana, next week, 7th of March 2017 where you are kindly invited.

Through its activities, FORESDA will have a significant input in the transformation of the traditional forest-based areas into innovative, modern areas, development of innovation-friendly ecosystems aiming to improve or reconfigure the existing value chains; improve innovation culture in SME’s,  and  also strengthen collaboration in the quadruple helix and implement new ways of collaboration in the Danube area.

Participants will have the opportunity to find out more about the following topics:

  • DANUBIOVALNET: Bio Based Value Added Network - Mateja Dermastia, Chief Executive Officer
  • ERUDITE: Enhancing Rural and Urban Digital Innovation Territories through Open Innovation and Socio-Economic Return on Investment Processes - dr. Emilija Stojmenova Duh, Docent / Assistant professor University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
  • VALUE CHAIN DEVELOPMENTGenoveva Christova, Managing Director, Ligna Group Bulgaria
  • WOOD PLASTICS COMPOSITSAnja Röllich, WFG, Northern Black Forest
  • INNORENEW COE - Renewable Materials and Healthy Environments - Dr Andreja Kutnar, University of Primorska and InnoRenew CoE, Slove
  • AREA SCIENCE PARK, TRIESTE, Italy - (tbc), Consortium for the research area, Department for innovation od enterprises
  • ACCELERATOR - Mojca Cvirn, Project management, Technology Park Ljubljana Ltd

Venue: Slovenian Forestry Institute, Vecna pot 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

For registration:

Looking forward to see you there!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)