DRIM - DRIM Presented at the Big Stage of EURegionsWeek 2018 Event in Brussels (10th September 2018, Brussels, Belgium)


The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance. This year, more than 6000 participants from 140 regions and cities took part in the lively discussion panels and innovative format presentations. One of these is Interact Programme’s “Six projects, one slam”, where high impact projects from Interreg family are showcased in an entertaining and easy way to the audience attending the EURegionsWeek.

All “plays” presented by six projects were highly innovative and deeply engaging, ranging from stories on sea archaeology, social entrepreneurs, climate change and migrant integration. DRIM’s performance was about a Bosnian citizen working in Slovenia, who needed administrative help. Through the humorous exchange between him and the public institution’s representative, we have showed how Danube Compass information platform can improve the ability of public authorities to respond to the needs of a particular group of their clients, improve services and makes the communication process between them and clients much smoother, effectively increasing trust in public service. For this innovative presentation of DRIM results, we have collaborated with Slovenia based stand- up comedian Mr. Admir Baltić, among others also stand-up comedy tutor for youth with migration background in Ljubljana. Very professional organization by Interact Programme (including the special acting couch to improve our stage pieces) and the great atmosphere in the public made this event unforgettable.  Despite not being the final winner in the competition, our performers did a great job in conveying DRIM messages, activities and achieved results.

Following DRIM’s successful stage presentation, we were interviewed by the EU DG Regio life interviews’ session on Facebook as well as for the Bulgarian national TV, while also being invited to two subsequent conferences on migration management and the Interreg role in it by Interact Programme.

You can watch the DRIM’s performance here.

Slam full video is available here.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)