DA-SPACE - Training Mentors Workshop at “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați


On Dec. 12, 2108, at the Faculty of Engineering of UDJG, the young talents from Romania, solvers of new challenges in the frame of DA-SPACE project, met on the Training Mentors workshop with their mentors from the companies that launched challenges to be solved during the 2nd cycle of open innovation projects.
The presentations and interactive discussions addressed topics related to both the role and responsibilities of the mentors as well as the techniques and strategies that lead to identify the best solutions to the Challenges launched for the 2nd Edition.
The 11 challenges are in different fields such as energy, computer science, mechanics, marketing. While during the first Edition, two of the challenges have benefited from two solutions each, in the second Edition, among the 11 challenges is one that attracted the interest of 3 teams that have registered to solve it - the prototype of an information system for managing appointment scheduling and online booking for a service provider… tough competition.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)