MOVECO - Stakeholder Forum and 5th Partner Meeting in Sofia


On 4th and 5th of December, the 5th partner meeting of the MOVECO consortium took place in Sofia, Bulgaria, at the premises of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. During the afternoon of the first day, the second public Stakeholder Forum of the project was held and gave opportunity to discuss ongoing trend of the circular economy in the Danub region - with participants from ten Danube region countries.

The second Stakeholder Forum brought together the MOVECO project partners and 23 representatives from Bulgarian public, business and research and development sector to exchange ideas. "What problems are consumers, designers, producers and recyclers facing, if they were no longer allowed to export electronic waste and how could they deal with them?"

That was the key question of the disruptive scenario to be discussed during this interactive workshop.





During the partner meeting, the partnership presented the work and status quo of the project and planneed the upcoming activities until its project end, in a couple of months. The focus was on the activities of the individual partners, who are currently piloting the MOVECO Circular Economy Toolbox. It includes information materials, a qualification programme, collaboration and financing tools on circular economy. In addition, the transnational strategy for the Circular Economy in the Danube region and the roadmaps, which will be developed within the framework of the project, were discussed and discussed.


"Your trash is my treasure" - This is the motto of the EU co-funded project MOVECO. Sixteen partners from ten Danube countries promote transnational cooperation to accelerate the transition to the circular economy.

For more information on the MOVECO project, we invite you to visit our website, our platform ( and follow us on social media.

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   MOVECO - Interreg

Picture credits: MOVECO project.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)