DANUBEparksCONNECTED - The "Danube Canyons" joined forces - The Memorandum of Cooperation has been signed


The memorandum of cooperation of the "Danube Canyons" has been signed thus enabling for these particularly spectacular Protected Areas along the Danube to move closer together. Experts from Germany (Danube Valley near Passau), Austria (Wachau, awarded World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO), the Danube Bend in Hungary, Serbia (Djerdap National Park) and Romania (Iron Gate Natural Park) have worked out joint strategies and priorities for the next two years.

Due to their locations and habitat structure, the focus in their day-to-day management differs from Protected Areas located in floodplain areas. As a characteristic feature, all of these canyons manage dry and semi-dry habitats, rocky habitats, steep hillside and gorge forests. Consequently, building up a subsidiary network for the DANUBEPARKS Canyons will foster the coherence in their management practices.

The memorandum was signed on Leopoldsberg in Vienna, with a magnificent view over the Danube and celebrated by all DANUBEPARKS partners.

In the frame of the DANUBEparksCONNECTED project, the DANUBEPARKS network is now strengthening its commitment to these natural gems. 

Photos: Franz Kovacs

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)