
The 6th Regional Workshop was organised in Bucharest on December 14th 2018 by UEFISCDI – the Romanian InnoHPC partner.  The event, which was part of the 9th edition of Innovation Café, completed the series of InnoHPC regional workshops held in the Danube region.  The debate focused on the use of high performance computing (HPC) in digital health and contributed to raising awareness about the potential benefits of HPC among SMEs.

The workshop was attended by more than 60 representatives of SMEs, universities, non-governmental sector and business support organizations and benefitted from the presence of valuable speakers from LiveCare - a regional med-tech start-up, ARCAS - a national organisation for HPC, as well as from the West University of Timisoara. The panel was moderated by UEFISCDI.

The topics discussed were related to the connection between HPC and digital health, the use of HPC in this field in Romania and at international level, the cooperation between academia and the private sector, and how HPC can be integrated in the development of med-tech solutions.

Another subject addressed refers to disseminating the results of the InnoHPC project among the participants. Thus, both UEFISCDI and the West University of Timisoara, InnoHPC partners, promoted the InnoHPC Lab and talked about the benefits it can bring to HPC integration in SMEs and to improving the cooperation between academia and industry.

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)