
​16 partners from Slovakia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Hungary, Germany, Czech Republic, Croatia, Austria, Bosna and Herzegovina, Serbia, Romania and Montenegro have launched the EcoInn Danube project – „Eco-innovatively connected Danube Region“. The partnership is led by the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information. The financial support for enhancing the cooperation of innovation actors in the field of eco-innovations was approved within the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme (co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance).

The kick-off event of the EcoInn Danube project took place on 15th of February 2017 in Bratislava, Slovakia, hosted by the Lead Partner - Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information. More than 90 participants had the opportunity to get together and exchange experience and knowledge in the field of eco-innovations.

The kick-off event started with a welcome speech by the Director General of the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information, and was followed by a presentation focused on eco-innovation importance, as well as the most important policies related to the eco-innovation in the EU.

A detailed presentation introduced the EcoInn Danube project, its partnership, project goals, implementation logic as well as all key elements of the project.

After the project introduction the renewable energy and its commercialization as well as mistakes in conversion of energy, and newest inventions for energy of future were presented in details.

During the kick-off event, 2 success stories related to the eco-innovations were presented by 2 Slovak companies: Solved (The Cleantech Company) and Voltia (a company focusing on E-MOBILITY operator mode).

During the afternoon session Mr. Niko Finka from Joint Secretariat introduced the Danube Transnational Programme. The work package leaders presented the main ideas of the project. Their presentations gave an overview of the implementation plan for project partners involved into the project and also introduced the upcoming results to the general public.

The second public event - the Final dissemination event - is planned to be organized in Bulgaria at the beginning of 2019, before the end of the project.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)