
During 13th and 15th March 2017 the KICK-OFF MEETING OF DANUBE GEOTOUR PROJECT (Valorisation of geo-heritage for sustainable and innovative tourism development of Danube Geoparks) will be held in IDRIJA, SLOVENIA.

The first day will be public, dedicated to all partners, stakeholders and interested public. The second and the third day will be reserved for the meeting of the project partners.

The main objective of the project Danube geoTour is to improve management capacities and strategies and to develop practical solutions for the activation of geodiversity/geo-heritage and to seize positive market trends for sustainable tourism development in 8 Geoparks of the Danube region.

The project shall result in a joint Danube GeoTour that appears in the form of a variety of itineraries and comprises a set of innovative geo-products and geo-interpretation sites based on the unique natural, cultural and geographical heritage of the Danube region.

Lead partner: Idrija Heritage Centre- Idrija Geopark (SLO),

-    Balaton-felvidéki National Park Directorate (H),
-    Styrian Eisenwurzen (A),
-    Public institution »Nature Park Papuk« (CRO),
-    ARGE Geopark Karavanks (A/SLO),
-    Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation (SLO),
-    Bakony & Balaton Regional Tourism Nonprofit Ltd. (H),
-    Bohemian Paradise Geopark non-profit organization (CZ),
-    University of Bucharest (RO),
-    University of Presov (SL),
-    Public Enterprise National Park Djerdap (SRB).

Additionally there are 3 associated strategic partners in the project, which will help to ensure the high quality of implemented actions:

-    Humanpolis ltd / Rokua Geopark (F),
-    Naturtejo – Tourism Company (P)
-    Global Geoparks Network (FR).  

The Idrija Heritage Centre as the lead partner and the host of the kick-off event is pleased to invite you to the PUBLIC EVENT of the Kick-Off Conference held on 13 March 2017.

The event is designed to raise awareness of the objectives and activities of the project and provide information to the stakeholders on the expected results and benefits.

Project partners from 8 countries, important stakeholders and representatives of both local and national authorities will be present at this event. As key speakers we will host also three representatives from Associated strategic partners.

Official language of the event is English.

The draft agenda of the public event can be found here

In order to register please click here
or by e-mail

Please register by 7 March 2017.

More information about the project can be found here:


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)