D-STIR - Central Bohemian Innovation centre together with ELI Beamlines had a regular meeting with stakeholders


Central Bohemian Innovation centre together with ELI Beamlines had a regular meeting with our stakeholders at the end of November.

During the event two D-STIR pilot activities were instroduced: in business and in public research sector. Also the RRI concept was described and explained in the presentation. Also the piloting companies came to the pilot. 

The comparison of two pilots brought these main differences:

  • There is easier position in STIRring in research sector because of public funding and collegiate relations.
  • The main challenge in research sector is to find out potential cross-linkages between technic/science discipline and clear social sciences.
  • The profitability or explaining the benefit is the main challenge in introducing STIR in business sector.
  • There are many common points between STIR – RRI and Company Social Responsibility (CSR), so this concept is useful, when we are introducing STIR in business

DSTIR pilot brought the clear results in terms of shift towards broader perception or knowledge of potential cross-linkages between technical and/or science work and social aspects. These were the main results of pilots:

  • DSTIR helps in „soft“skills like team leadership, (self)management, time management and communication skills
  • Especially in research, DSTIR could help in higher success in grant calls because of better selfmarketing of our topic/expertise. Also the technology transfer proces is a good example of combining the natural and social apsects in research work.
  • DSTIR could update or innovate existing CSR strategies in companies, update the marketing strategy or price policy of company.
  • DSTIR is an proces innovation method combining personal coaching with sectoral education (soft skills, business skills).

The main problems or weaknesses of the method were the difficult quantification and many variables that influence it and so the interpretation of results (character and background of EH, position of STIRred person). The sustainability of the change was the other problem after 12 week pilot.

The meeting help to discuss the pilots of the method, its strong and weak aspects and potential updates for the next round of pilots – there were 2 new potential STIRred organisation – one from business and one from research sector.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)