INSiGHTS - REDASP recognized at national level for implementation of INSiGHTS project


The Regional Economic Development Agency for Sumadija and Pomoravlje has been recognized by the Ministry of European Integration of the Republic of Serbia for the achieved results and impact through implementation of the project INSiGHTS.

In particular, the recognition went to REDASP for contribution to preservation of cultural heritage of Serbia and neighboring regions in the year of European cultural heritage and celebrating European cultural diversity. INSiGHTS is one of four awarded projects in Serbia.

The award ceremony was at the Sixth National Conference on Cross-Border Cooperation, organized by the Ministry, on November 14, 2018. One of the goals of the Conference was to present the achievements of the Cross-Border and Transnational Co-operation programs and to support further implementation and partnerships.

The Ministry had encouraged REDASP to apply with INSiGHTS project for identification and selection of the best practice projects. REDASP presented the goals and activities of the project in creating integrated and sustainable tourism development strategy for the Danube region. Presentation also included a part of the tourism promotional material that has been produced as the project activity within implementation of the pilot action plan for Šumadija and Pomoravlje region. The selected promotional materials focused on material and non-material cultural heritage and traditional customs to be integrated in regional tourism offer and products. It contains presentation of monuments of culture, art, folklore, local traditional handicraft, food and customs in serving it and decorating, as well as welcoming guests and visitors. The project has gathered all key actors in tourism development and is raising awareness of service providers about their role in not only improving regional tourist offer but presenting and preserving rich national and local cultural heritage.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)