GREEN DANUBE - IWT Environmental Information Centre in Croatia


On December 7th, 2018 within activities of GREEN DANUBE project, Environmental Information Centre pilot activity organized by project partner Inland Navigation Development Centre Ltd. (CRUP) was held at their headquarters in Zagreb, Croatia. At the first event organized in CRUP IWT EIC there were 27 participants, all of them from Faculty of transport and traffic sciences. It was a group of students from different organisation units within faculty: Water Transport, Railway Transport, Road Transport, Transport Logistic.

The main topics of the discussions carried out during the pilot action are listed below:

GREEN DANUBE project – General presentation

Other EICs developed under GREEN DANUBE project: Serbia, Croatia, Romania and mobile EIC in Hungary

IWT EIC - visit of centre and presentation of areas with all the existing facilities

Raise public awareness regarding air pollution and other environmental issues

Transfer of good practices from other existing centers in EU

Information and web tools available at EIC (resource kit including greening tool)

Interactive session (discussions, Q and A)

Students got an overview of project GREEN DANUBE and other EICs developed in project with explanations of background and context of EICs idea and goals, similar initiatives, good practices from other existing centers in the EU.  Main purpose of this action was to raise students' awareness through presentation of project results, and overview of pollution caused by IWT.

At the end of the pilot action there were presented online tools, like Greening toolkit and students got the opportunity to try out how Greening toolkit works, and test it entering different characteristics of vessel.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)