EcoInn Danube - EcoXDigital - Transnational workshop in Budapest


On 28th of November the EcoXDigital transnational workshop in Budapest, Hungary was implemented for the needs of the EcoInn Danube project. The event focused on three main topics: Sutainable airports+landside mobility, fresh food farming and green energy systems.

The workshop started with welcoming words from the organizer host Peter Kaldos and was followed by introduction from the moderator of the event. Therefor the project EcoInn was introduced by LP project manager Nina Bratkova followed by presentation of the online matchmaking tool for eco-innovators - e.g Virtual lab - presented by Vit Cermak.


The first panel focused on innovation, new technology, developments as well as digital, smart and technical solutions for fresh food farming. Session guest was Eisberg Hungary.

Fresh vegetables are consumed throughout the year in the central Europe region. The magnitude and growing trend of eating fresh vegetables creates significant eco-challenges regarding production and transport when vegetables are not in season. There are also eco challenges regarding fresh vegetables preparation and packaging.Fresh food producers are seeking eco-innovation, digital solutions and technologies for fresh food farming and especially in the areas of: managing waste water, fresh food production, sustainable, dependable and local vegetable production adn other.


The second panel focused on eco, digital, smart and technical solutions for airports, in particular landside mobility.  


Session guest was Budapest airport. Airport operators’ goals are to further reduce energy use and environmental impacts of the airport with economically viable, realistic solutions and insure gains in sustainability activities / sustainable operation. Airport operators are seeking eco-innovation, digital solutions and technologies for sustainable airports + landside mobility and especially in the areas of: landside mobility, vehicle parking, electric mobility, optimising airport-city integration and other.

Last but not least the panel for Green energy systems was introduced. It  focused on green energy generation, digitalisation of energy generation and solutions for storage and systems. Energy producers’ and systems operators’ goals are to further reduce environmental impacts of energy generation and storage with economically viable, realistic solutions. The aim is to support more sustainable energy generation, storage and consumption with new business models, digitalisation and innovation. Energy producers and systems operators are seeking eco-innovation, digital solutions and technologies for green energy systems and especially in the areas of: eco-innovations for green energy systems, digitalization & energy, green energy generation and other. 

Finalization of the ExoXDigital was marked by open discussion where participants of the even had the oportunity to ask questions the presentators on the relevant topics via the online tool




Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)