DIGITRANS - DIGITRANS workshop in Karlsruhe


Another DIGITRANS workshop took place in Baden-Württemberg, Germany: Under the leadership of MFG Baden-Württemberg and Herman Hollerith Zentrum, interdisciplinary teams of SME representatives experienced the DIGITRANS method to develop new digital business model ideas during one day.

With a case study, the participants have adopted the role of an organic farm and have, based on this, developed digital business models. They were supported by two coaches, Petra Newrly (MFG Baden-Württemberg) and Martin Kinitzki (HHZ), who guided the teams through the DIGITRANS innovation circle, e.g. by working with the Blue Ocean strategy to identify where the company currently stands in comparison to the market or the value proposition canvas to understand the customer’s needs and in the end with the business model canvas to structure their digital business model idea. At the end of the day, the interdisciplinary teams built prototypes based on their results and had them tested by other team members. The pictures below give an impression on the creative ideas developed.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)