InnoHPC - INVITATION - 6th InnoHPC Regional Workshop - Bucharest, Romania


InnoHPC consortium invites you to 6th Regional InnoHPC workshop which will be held in Bucharest (Romania), at TechHub, on 14 December 2018, starting at 12.00. 

The programme for the workshop will be an afternoon consisting of debates and presentations under the framework of the Innovation Café, an initiative of the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) dedicated to innovative entrepreneurs, investors, venture capitalists and other actors supporting the innovative business environment in Romania. 

Alongside with a presentation booth of the InnoHPC project's aims and progress, the panel titled „High Performance Computing use in Digital Health” will engage participants to an in-depth debate on the HPC benefits for digital health.


Participation in the meeting is free of charge - accommodation and travel, however, are not covered.

Interested stakeholders can register online HERE or by sending an email to

Deadline for registration is 13th of December 2018. 

For more information about the project or the workshop, please contact Raluca Coscodaru ( or Elena Simion ( from UEFISCDI.

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Official InnoHPC Linkedin account 


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)