InnoHPC - Presentation of InnoHPC project at the Innovative Enterprise Vienna 2018


InnoHPC project was represented at the Innovative Enterprise Vienna 2018 during 21 and 22 November 2018 by the Romanian partner, UEFISCDI. The conference put emphasis on the requirements of highly innovative European enterprises to successfully enter new markets with new products.

With this occasion, the InnoHPC project benefited from a large exposure as the event was attended by more than 300 professionals from the Danube region, but also from the whole EU.

The conference provided a learning opportunity about the future of digitalization which will feed the capacity-building events within InnoHPC. The main message was that it’s time for the whole Europe to go FAST, which means to foster access to funds, to raise awareness about the innovation potential and benefits, to stimulate the scale-up globally and to support talents.


"We were pleasantly surprised to meet stakeholders from Austria, Slovakia and Moldova which knew about InnoHPC project and to observed the interested of companies present in the pitching sessions for digitalization and advanced technologies. Also, we enjoyed meeting the Moldavian representative of another project funded under DTP, Danube S3 Cluster and we took the opportunity to exchange experiences on how to capitalize on our projects results," said Raluca Coscodaru from UEFISCDI. 

A new great achievement refers to the contacts established with representatives of various funding and innovative entrepreneurship support organizations for the final conference of InnoHPC which will be held in Timisoara (Romania) next year. More information about this topic will be available in the first months of 2019.



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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)