FORESDA - Bikey goes digital!


As a responsible partner in the FORESDA project, BFC is working on a pilot project called Bikey. It`s a designer transformable wooden bicycle for kids. The concept of the pilot is to use re-manufacturing materials for the construction and that meets the BFC's social corporate responsibility policies about recycling, remanufacturing and reusing of materials. 

This wood re-manufacturing concept of the pilot proposes an alternative for SMEs for more sustainable, ecological and cost-effective material than using timber. BFC has done several knowledge exchange workshops and participated in many conferences, where the FORESDA project and the pilot has been presented to the SMEs, in order to increase the understanding of the subject and its benefits. At the moment, the integration of smart technologies in the pilot prototype in order to increase the attractiveness of the bicycle for the kids is being implemented. Therefore, a cross-cluster cooperation with SMEs from the Bulgarian ICT Cluster is established. In addition, after the pilot project presentation on the joint cluster conference of Romania and Hungary in November this year, Bulgarian Furniture Cluster received also feedback from other European clusters linked to the contribution about further development of the PIE prototype.

BFC is also working on a very interesting new venture that is in close connection with project policies of transnational collaboration and capacity building. Next year the Creative Hub opens the door; It will be an instrument to show the non-traditionality in traditional industries. The idea of the Creative Hub is to bring together the advanced, smart and talented people from the creative industry in an interactive and friendly environment, so they can be challenged, motivated, supported, mentored, educated and inspired. 


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)