ResInfra@DR - Review: First Pilot Peer Learning Visit in Banja Luka in October


 The ResInfra@DR project is designed to strengthen Research Infrastructures (RI) in the Danube macro region (DR). As part of its activities, the project develops a mutual learning activity resulting in practical recommendations for Research Infrastructures (RI). In order to allow for the best interaction between and among RIs, the project aims to set up (broad) thematic pairs/trios of research infrastructures within the Danube macro region. The mutual learning will provide individual recommendations for the interested and selected research infrastructures which will be developed by experts. The main objectives of peer learning activities is to develop a peer-review approach and test the developed guidelines and methodologies in pilot activities to meet the current challenges, and finally to provide practical recommendations for the involved research infrastructures (RI) and their parent organisations. The aim of these pilot actionс is to identify good practices, new approaches, and critical success factors of RI processes and describe and testify their transferability.

To do so, peer learning team from Slovakia reviewed the participating RIs from the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The first pilot visit of peer learning team of experts was held at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Banja Luka on October 24 – 25. 2018. After the on-site visits the Slovak peer learning team will produce a set of recommendations for the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. The host team prepared a situation report regarding the research infrastructure in the Republic of Srpske, specifically at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. The focus was on possible solutions, based on which colleagues from Slovakia will give their recommendations that should be implemented. The report will serve as an important document for the preparation of the peer learning visit to our organization and to the stakeholders in our country related to our infrastructure.
The peer learning team from Slovakia, lead by Professor Juhar Jozef of the Technical University of Kosice and the representatives of the Slovak Center for Science and Technological Information Ana Krivjanska and Natasa Dojcakova, met with the host representatives from the Republic of Srpska Professor Gordana Gardašević (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Banja Luka), Assistant Minister for Science Dr Siniša Marčić, Branka Savić (Ministry of Science and Technology), doc. Dr Dino Kosić (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Banja Luka), Vladimir Risojević (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Banja Luka) and Vanja Todorovic (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Banja Luka). During the 1st pilot peer learning visit the following activities were realized:

- presentation of the team members
- presentation of the Research Infrastructure and visit of RI´s premises
- presentation of RI´s employees involved in the pilot visit - presentation of the methodology of the pilot action
- discussion about the self assessment questionnaire with the RI and clarification of appearing questions
- short overview about specific challenges or plans of the RI, critical issues and success examples (emphasising the needs)
- interviews with stakeholders with the RI management or host organisation, with important stakeholders of an RI
- first Recommendations presentation
- Planning of the pilot visit in Košice, Slovakia.

The review was provided by ResInfra@DR partner Dr. Siniša Marčić, Ministry of Science and Technology
Image source: Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Banja Luka





Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)