Danube S3 Cluster - Joint Romanian-Hungarian Cluster Conference 2018


The 3 days conference co-organised by the Hungarian Ministry of Finance and the Romanian Cluster Association (CLUSTERO) and supported by the INTERREG Europe CLUSTERIX2.0 project invites cluster experts and practitioners to a lively debate on relevant topics such as sustainable business models, cluster support tools, the role of universities, of the Y generation and of the start-ups. A special focus will be put on innovative SMEs with dedicated sessions and a B2B/C2C matchmaking event.

The rationale behind the joint conference is to bridge the cluster success stories of two neighbouring Eastern European countries which have followed different paths towards reaching the same result - the establishment of a competitive and sustainable cluster landscape – that now needs to be scaled up within the wider European perspective.

In addition to the high scientific and informative character, the conference will also have a strong practical side, facilitating bilateral business meetings between participating national and international companies and clusters via the brokerage event session conducted with the support of Enterprise Europe Network.

Details about registration, programme, participation to the brokerage event, promotion opportunities and logistics are to be found here. https://www.clustercollaboration.eu/event-calendar/joint-romanian-hungarian-cluster-conference-2018


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)