
REFOCuS project communicated to 250 scientists from 26 countries and 5 continents during forestry conference in Novi Sad.

REFOCuS partner, Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment (ILFE), has organized the 15th International Phytotechnology Conference in Novi Sad, Serbia, on 1-5/10/2018 at the premises of the Rectorate of the University of Novi Sad.

International Society for Phytotechnology (IPS) an International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) supported the conference. During the conference, REFOCuS project was communicated to more than 250 scientists from 26 countries and 5 continents by putting REFOCuS poster on highly visible places and making short presentation highlighting main points on the purpose and content of REFOCuS project.  

Many of them are world acknowledged forestry experts: Acad. Prof. Dr. Alexander Alexandrov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Prof. Dr. Filippos Arvanopoulos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Florian Borlea (Banat University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine), Dr. Attila Borovics (National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre Forest Research Institute, Hungary), Prof.Dr. Vasilije Isajev (Institute of Forestry), Prof. dr Hojka Kraigher (Slovenian Forestry Institute), Yongming Luo (CAS), Acad. Prof. Dr. Michael Marek (Czech Globe), Prof. Dr. Milan Mataruga (University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Forestry), Dr. Om Parkash (Durham University, United Kingdom, Acad. Prof. Dr. Karoly Redei (National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre Forest Research Institute, Hungary), Prof. Dr. Ratko Ristić (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry), Dr. Luca Sebastiani (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies), Dr. David T. Tsao (Americas Remediation Engineering and Technology Manager),Dr. Jason C. White  (President of the International Phytotechnology Society), Dr. Ronald S. Zalesny (USDA Forest Service), to name a few.

Some local and national media (television, radio) in the Republic of Serbia covered this event that affected REFOCuS visibility also among general population.



Photos: Ljubomir Kljajić

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)