
The first stakeholder session of INDEED took place in Munich on September 25 and 26, 2018, in conjunction with the project‘s first general assembly meeting. Organised by the research team at the University Hospital of Technical University of Munich, over 40 participants attended, representing several institutions from the medical and care sector, public administrations, businesses, and charities. The purpose of the meeting was to assess the stakeholder’s view on the current status of dementia care, unmet needs and educational preferences in order to ensure that the INDEED intervention package will match the requirements of the future user group. Also, the stakeholders’ role as multipliers and ambassadors of the INDEED intervention was emphasised.

During the two days, all work package leaders presented their ideas and first results. During lively discussions, the focus was set to improve care services for early dementia. The event also offered a valuable opportunity to strengthen the exchange across work packages.

INDEED - Improving dementia care in the Danube region

The conference thematically emphasised the need for interprofessional education to achieve person-centred dementia care. Thereby, participants discussed various aspects and came to an understanding that:

There is an overlapping knowledge regarding dementia that all involved actors should be aware of
Collaboration among different professions can be improved by fostering networking among all professions involved in dementia care
Social entrepreneurship is an innovative approach to promote dementia care services in rural and urban regions

The consortium will keep deepening the contact to the stakeholder group to ensure user-friendly outputs.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)