Made in Danube - Social Innovation Training - Registration open now


Made in Danube


November and December in Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia - Registrations are open!

Results of social innovation – new ideas that meet unmet needs – are all around us. They range for instance from fair trade and restorative justice, hospices and kindergartens to distance learning and traffic calming.

Social Innovation has furthermore been increasingly perceived as answer to the rising number of societal challenges. At European level authorities, leading academics, policy experts, business people and activists generally agree that social innovation can be the key for a better future. Nevertheless it is difficult to obtain information and training on what social innovation actually offers and, more importantly, how it can be done in practice. Surprisingly little is known about social innovation compared to the vast amount of research into innovation in business and science.

The objective of the Social Innovation training course, designed by Made in Danube, is therefore to offer participants solid conceptual foundations in the search for innovative solutions, while reinforcing and developing the vision, knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to face current and emerging challenges. The course aims to provide participants with concepts, theories and tools that are crucial to understand why and under which circumstances social innovation initiatives succeed or fail.

Three training workshops are scheduled between November and December and aim at attracting small and medium‐sized enterprises, early stage project managers in research, social and technological innovation, and young graduates as first time applicants to transnational projects from business sector. The events are organised respectively in Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia, to help participants understand the innovation dynamics and the theory of social innovation. Content includes practical tools to initiate and support social innovation as well as case studies, group activities, and open discussion.

Training dates and registration links:

Social Innovation Training in Novi Sad, Serbia
Venue: Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad (Trg Dositeja Obradovića 6, Novi Sad 106314, Serbia)
Date: 28th November 2018
Register: here

Social Innovation Training in Vinkovci, Croatia
Venue: Vukovar-Srijem County Development Agency (Antuna Akšamovića 31)
Date: 29th November 2018
Register: here

Social Innovation Training in Maribor, Slovenia
Venue: will be announced soon
Date: December, exact date will be announced soon
Register: here


Draft agenda for Social Innovation Trainings

09hrs00 – 10hrs00             Understanding Social Innovation 
Defining Social Innovation types and fields
Social Innovators and Social and Economic change
The growing importance of Social Innovation

10hrs00 – 10hrs30              Enabling conditions for Social Innovation
Creating proper ecosystems for social innovation
Key institutions supporting SI / Networks and Capacity Building in social innovation

10hrs30 – 11hrs00              Questions with Coffee

11hrs00 – 12hrs30              Social Innovation Process: the stages of doing innovation
Understanding needs and identifying potential solutions
Generating ideas
Developing, prototyping and piloting ideas
Sustaining, scaling up and diffusing good ones
Learning and evolving until a systemic change

12hrs30 – 13hrs30              Discussions at Lunch

13hrs30 – 15hrs00              Creating Social Entrepreneurship through Social Innovation Tools
How to move on from worthy opportunities to serious pursuit
How to visualise your business model
Design thinking to develop innovative services/products
Embedding Stakeholders in a social innovation project

15hrs00 – 15hrs30              Final discussion and conclusion


Should you have any further questions, please contact:

Ms Désirée Pecarz – ZSI GmbH (


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)