Finance4SocialChange - Thematic Pole 3 – Entrepreneurial Learning System at Pole 1 „Innovative ecosystem for SMEs” Capitalization workshop together with EUSDR Priority Area 8 „Competitiveness of enterprises”


Thematic Pole 3 lead, IFKA Public Benefit Nonprofit Ltd. for the Development of the Industry is happy to announce that we have successfully introduced to Thematic Pole 1 projects and representatives of EUSDR PAC 8 „SME Competitiveness” our achievements, jointly organized events and capitalization efforts. Photos taken at the event together with the presentation we delivered is accessible here. In the frame of the event, working groups have been created by Thematic Pole 1, Thematic Pole 2  and Thematic Pole 3 projects, where Thematic Pole 3 leader joined the „Access to finance” working group. Join us and visit our capitalization site today!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)