AgriGo4Cities - Successful promotion of AgriGo4Cities at 7th Danube Annual Forum


We were invited to the 7th Danube Annual Forum which was the key event of the 2018 EUSDR Presidency. It was held in Sofia, Bulgaria and organised by the European Commission, in cooperation with Danube Transnational Programme. The main focus of the event was on tourism development as a precondition to economic growth and territorial cohesion.

Almost 1.000 participants from 31 different countries joined the event.

Only few projects from Danube Transnational Programme were invited to present their activites and AgriGo4Cities was one of them. In the framework of the panel 2 focused on the contribution of the Danube Transnational Programme to the Danube Region our representative dr. Jani Kozina presented challenges and results of AgriGo4Cities project.

Visit this website to learn more about the event.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)