TRANSGREEN - 3 bears die over 3 months on Romanian A1 highway. WWF demands efficient measures


On Wednesday, October 17th 2018, the third bear killed in the same place on the A1 highway, Sibiu-SebeČ™, in Romania, over the past months. TRANSGREEN project partner  WWF-Romania demands authorities to take measures that are efficient and suitable for this species - bear - and for the local context - higway crossing an ecological corridor.

The bear climbed over the 1,5 m fence and, while crossing, was hit by a truck and then projected into a car. Although the accident did not have human casualties, it does draw the attention on the existing risk in the area - for both animals and people.

What can be done to solve these repeated problems? Suitable prevention measures.

At present there is an under-passage in that area of the highway, but it is not suitable for bears. It is deisgned for smaller animals. Moreover, the present fence is only 1.5 meters high, while it should measure over 2,2 meters in height and it should be secured in its lower parts, so that bears cannot dig under it.

WWF-Romania appreciates the fact that the authorities have started to take measures after the two similar accidents that took place this summer. Yet, more steps need to be taken in order to implement technical solutions that are also adapted to the species  - brown bear - and to the conditions in the area, through adequate and integrated planning. This type of planning is possible and the team of experts from the #transgreen project is available to support any interested factor.


More details about the accident in local newspaper article:

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)