RI2integrate - 4th Partners & Steering Committee meeting in Prague


ELI Beamlines from Prague, as one of the project partners within the Embeddedness of high quality research infrastructure in the Danube Region (RI2integrate), hosted a regular meeting and  Steering Committee meeting between September  18-19, in Prague.

Meetings gathered representatives of all partner institutions, that presented and discussed the results of the work done so far, the further steps, as well as the ongoing activities.

The partners in charge of individual work packages held presentations in which they outlined the current situation with focus on pilot projects, and jointly considered possible improvements for the upcoming reporting periods.

The Project RI2integrate is part of the Transnational Programme Danube.  The total of 17 partners are included in project realisation: Hungary, Romania, Czechia, Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Slovakia.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)