
Capitalization Pole 6, »Sustainable Mobility« Interreg Danube Projects: CityWalk, CHESTNUT, eGUTS, RADAR, Linking Danube, TRANSGREEN, Transdanube.Pearls met on the  17th Steering Group meeting of EUSDR Priority Area 1B (improve mobility and multimodality: road, rail, and air transport) on October 11, 2018 in Belgrade, Serbia.

Each project presented their results and the most important deliverables that can be capitalized. Project representatives also presented the next steps. We have seen we all have synergies in the project that can be used between each other by sharing the results. Here are some examples:

  • Project RADAR addresses all road-users but pays particular attention to the vulnerable road users, as it confronts: safety on major roads near school. Safety on road is also addressed by projects CHESTNUT, CityWalk, eGUTS, and TRANSGREEN.
  • Project TRANSGREEN’s main goal is to enable safer and environmentally-friendly road and rail networks in the mountainous regions of the Danube Basin which is also addressed by project RADAR.
  • Project Transdanube.Pearls’ goal is to find the answer on how to reach “the Pearls” without using private car and by better combining existing mobility services. Both issues are also important in the projects CHESTNUT,CityWalk, eGUTS.
  • Project Linking Danube focuses on connecting less accessible areas in the Danube Region by linking alternative public transport services and integrating demand transport data into the services. This is very close to projects Transdanube.Pearls and TRANSGREEN.
  • Project TRANSGREEN’s main goal is to develop the concept for transnational, multi-modal journey planning services. Same activities and results can be shared with project Transdanube.Pearls.
  • Project CHESTNUT’s main results are Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) at FUA level (to support new policymaking with a special focus on people). Synergies can be found with projects CityWalk, eGUTS, Linking Danube, Transdanube.Pearls, and RADAR.
  • Project eGUTS implements various pilot actions in the fields of road preference and parking policies, charging stations, rental spots, and more. Same activities can be taken also from projects CityWalk, CHESTNUT, RADAR, and Transdanube.Pearls.
  • Project CityWalk’s emphasis is on walking. The project addresses the challenge with a holistic approach – improving urban mobility through efficiently combining various means of transport. First and last mile can be connected with projects CHESTNUT, eGUTS, Transdanube.Pearls, and Linking Danube.

In the context of the SC meeting partners decided to implement several capitalization workshops. On the workshops all members decided they will help with the dissemination of the deliverables of each project. Members of Pole 6 also decided to produce 3 editions of newsletter by the end of May 2019, and to provide to the members of 1B Area the policy recommendationa from their projects.

From project presentation we realized that the projects tackle 3 out of 6 targets of the EUSDR Priority Area 1B:

TARGET 1 is tackled by projects Transdanube.Pearls and Linking Danube:
Improved travel times for competitive railway passenger connections between major cities in the Danube Region (DR) by 2030-

TARGET 5 is tackled by TRANSGREEN and RADAR:
Facilitate the improvement of secondary and tertiary roads in the DR.

TARGET 6 is tackled by CityWalk, CHESTNUT, eGUTS, RADAR and Transdanube.Pearls:
Support safe and sustainable transport and mobility in the Danube Region.

Projects decided to provide policy recommendations for these 3 targets in order to give an input to the EUSDR Priority Area 1B (for the next steps and action plans of the Priority Area 1B). The recommendations will be completed by the end of April 2019.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)