INSiGHTS - Launching Conference of the project INSiGHTS


We are pleased to invite you to the official launching conference of the project INSiGHTS (Integrated Slow, Green and Healthy Tourism Strategies) on 28 February 2017 starting at 9 am in the event centre Pikant Pajta, in Ferencmajor near Tata (Hungary).

Tourism in a green and healthy way? It is the only way!

How can we make regions more attractive to tourists in a green and healthy way?

The project INSiGHTS is about finding solutions for this question by developing tourism strategies, which not only make a region more attractive to tourists, but also protect its natural and cultural resources. Regions in INSiGHTS all have outstanding natural and cultural resources, and at the same time they have a great potential related to the fast-growing recreational trend of slow, green and healthy tourism.

What are the main outcomes of the project?

The development of eight integrated sustainable tourism strategies that will be developed by the partner regions and will be adaptable all across the Danube-region.           

Who will be present at the conference?

Representatives of partners, tourism experts of the partner regions and of the Slovak-Hungarian border area and other decision makers.

We are looking forward to meeting you there!

More information: 

Zoltán Bara, Director of Pons Danubii EGTC (Leading Partner)

EmÅ‘ke Tóth, Communication manager, Pons Danubii EGTC,


Project AGENDA 28 February, 2017

Venue of the conference: Pikant Pajta, Ferencmajor, Tata, Hungary

08:45 – 09:00, Registration

09:00 – 09:15, Welcome speech, Delivered by József Michl, Mayor, Tata

09:15 – 09:30, Touristic developments in Komárom-Esztergom County, Dr. Pál Völner, State Secretary,Ministry of Justice, Hungary

09:30 – 09:45, Sustainable touristic developments in the Tata basin, János Bencsik, representative of the Hungarian Parliament, Hungary

09:45 – 10:00, Introduction to the Danube Transnational Programme, Delivered by Gusztáv Csomor, DTP representative

10:00 – 10:15, INSiGHTS project overview Delivered by Zoltán Bara, Director, Pons Danubii (Lead Partner)

10:15 – 11:00, Coffee break, Press conference

11:00 – 11:30, Current trends in green tourism, Delivered by Prof. Ulrike Pröbstl-Haider, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

11:30 – 11:45, Closing remarks, Delivered by Zoltán Bara, Director, Pons Danubii (Lead Partner)

12:00 – 13:00, Lunch

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)