DBS Gateway Region - Transnational Workshops on Capacity Building and Know-How Transfer, 14/15 November 2018, Novi Sad and Vukovar


The Regional Government of Lower Austria as Lead partner and the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences and the Port Authority Vukovar as the hosts of the event are pleased to invite you to Transnational Workshops on Capacity Building and Know-How Transfer of the Danube-Black Sea (DBS) Gateway Region project held on 14 and 15 Novemvber 2018 in Novi Sad, Serbia and Vukovar, Croatia.

In the DBS Gateway Region project ten partners and 20 associated strategic partners from ten Danube riparian countries aim at increasing the attractiveness of the waterway transport system along the Danube river, serving the port´s immediate hinterland and new markets in the Black and Caspian Sea region towards the far East.

The topic of the workshop will be:

  • Existing funding instruments for the implementation of relevant projects supporting the development of the DBS Gateway Region (including best practice examples!)
  • Cooperation Strategy for long-term collaboration of relevant stakeholders in the DBS Gateway Region

The general presentations will be complemented by working groups and exchange of experience. This will be a unique opportunity to connect with key stakeholders in the region!

The conference will take place on 14 November 2018 in the Hotel Sheraton, Polgar Andraša 1, Novi Sad, Serbia and on 15 November 2018 at the Port Authority Vukovar/ Agency for Inland Waterways, Parobrodarska 5, Vukovar, Croatia.

The participation is free of charge. Please register until 31 October 2018 using the following link:

The event will be held in English.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Novi Sad!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)