CAMARO-D - Transnational partner-meeting 03 in Zagreb, Oct 16th - 18th, 2018


The third transnational partner-meeting will take place in Zagreb, Croatia, between October 16th and 18th, 2018, hosted by the Croatian Geological Survey. On the first day, mainly the third thematic pilot cluster coordination meeting will be held, where the recently elaborated cluster manuals will be presented.

On day 02 (October 17th), the transnational meeting will include the thematic work package T3 with a presentation of the Act.3.1 and a first line-out of the GUIDR, whereas later on, there will be an organized excursion to the Croatian pilot action area.
On October 18th, the Steering meeting will take place, as well as thematic work package T4 presentations & discussions.

The detailed agenda can be downloaded here.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)