EcoInn Danube - Local workshop in Prague - BIC Brno


BIC Brno organized Local workshop and matchmaking on 20th September 2018 in Circular Hub in Prague in Campus Hybernska.

The aim was to prepare Local workshop and matchmaking as a follow up to stakeholder meeting from 2017 from which get out lot of topics that are barriers in implementation of principles of circular economy in building industry. Local workshop and matchmaking in Prague attended 56 participants.

The barriers are general mistrust in the construction products from secondary materials and cheap landfill. The Czech Republic is up to 80% addicted on import of raw materials and the rate of recycling is in some areas unsatisfactory. Building industry is becoming a sector that consumes 50% of all the world's resources of raw materials and for example the loss of sand inventory is alarming.

The Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade decided to elaborate Catalog of building products and materialsm containing secondary materials. Thanks to that will be possible a discussion between professional and wide public for a purpose of elimination of prejudices and barriers in implementation of principles of circular economy.

Morning part of our Local workshop and matchmaking was introduction to the main topics that were Recycling of building materials; Circular economy in practice; Concept Waste used as source; EU trends including the ambitious targets of western states, Activities of the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade for support of using of secondary raw materials in the building industry; Use of waste from an architect and developer ́s perspective; Introduction of Ecoinn Danube project and Virtual lab; Supporting projects of program H2020.

Afternoon part was divided into 3 parts: 1) Workshop about Czech circular cities 2) Workshop about raw industrial symbiosis between circular economy and European conditions and finally 3) Matchmaking event with company presentations.

On the workshop about Czech circular cities were solved following topics: New technologies and innovations in waste management; Barriers in implementation; Searching of ways for cooperation; Common vision of circular cities of the future; How to divert construction waste from landfills and create resources from them.

Workshop about raw industrial symbiosis between circular economy and European conditions was focused on: Cooperation between science and research organizations and SME and specification of current barriers; National and regional topics – trends in building industry; Opportunities for innovations; Benefits of virtual labs; Sharing of personal experiences.

During matchmaking event presented companies their circular economy needs and wants. Then follow networking and thematic discussion between all participants.

Photos available here:

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)