Danube GeoTour - Partners presenting the project at the Global Geopark Conference in Italy


Geoparks and sustainable development

The 8th International Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks took place at the Adamello Brenta UNESCO Global Geopark, Trentino Province, Italy, from 11 to 14 September 2018.

The Conference on “Geoparks and sustainable development” was held at the Palacampiglio Conference Centre in Madonna di Campiglio, located at the heart of the Geopark. The third Conference day, 13 September, was dedicated to the mid-conference field trip. Participants chose one of six available options to become familiar with the specific geological, natural and cultural characteristics of the Adamello Brenta UNESCO Global Geopark. A series of social and cultural events have been planned during the Conference to meet local people and experience their traditions and Italian lifestyle as well. 800 particpants attended the conference in Italy.

During the conference several project partners were attending the Confernce to present activities and outputs of the Danube GeoTour:

- Overall presentation fo the Danube GeoTour at the GeoFair

- Lead Partner Idrija UNESCO Global Geopark: 

  a) Innovative GeoProducts development in Idrija 

  b) Presenting Danube GeoTour partners in the emerging Visitor's centre of Idrija

- Styrian Eisenwurzen UNESCO Global Geopark:

a) Danube GeoTour as part of the European Year of Cultural Heritage

b) GeoRafting an adventurous way to teach Geology

- Karawanken/Karavanke UNESCO Global Geopark

a) Sustainable development and Danube GeoTour Project

- Hateg UNESCO Global Geopark

a) The role of GeoProducts in fostering local sustainable development

b) GeoProducts, what and why? Guidelines and case studies


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)