Learning by Doing - VET experts from 17 Europen countries in Budapest - Dissemination event - 31. January, 2017.


Open Seminar on the premises of Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry with ivolvement of  international represetatives of VET, under additional patronage of

  • EU Danube Region Strategy – Hungarian National Coordinator, EUSDR PA8 Competitiveness coordinator, Croatia, Danube contact point Brussels
  • EU organizations of VET – European Commision, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop), European Training Foundation (ETF)
  • National experts from the Danube region - Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary

Joint meeting of the Working Group of EUSDR PA8 and Danube VET Cluster, expected 100from Danube Rerion,

The dissamination event starts at 9 AM.

Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry
99 Krisztina krt., Budapest, Baross Gábor Hall, 6th floor

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)