DanuBioValNet - Bioeconomy initiatives in EU


The DanuBioValNet is a great international project that focuses on the topics of bioeconomy, reduction of fossil sources and identification and support of the bio-based industries through clusters. At the same time, there are other important bioeconomy indicatives that are worth to introduce:

Thematic Group on “Mainstreaming the Bioeconomy”:

The European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) has launched a new Thematic Group on “Mainstreaming the Bioeconomy” aimed at encouraging the development of sustainable bioeconomy value chains that promote employment and economic growth in rural areas, while preserving their ecosystems. The main objectives of the Thematic Group are to:

  • Explore the national and regional bioeconomy strategies;
  • Investigate the existing relevant initiatives in EU Member States, including projects supported by the EAFRD and other funding sources (i.e. LIFE, H2020, Interreg);
  • Discuss the opportunities for the development of bio-based business models in rural areas and viable solutions to overcome existing barriers;
  • Promote networking among relevant stakeholders who are active on the topic;
  • Formulate recommendations on how to support the development of a sustainable bioeconomy under the EU Rural Development Policy.

More information about the ENRD and the Thematic Group on “Mainstreaming the Bioeconomy” are available at https://enrd.ec.europa.eu/greening-rural-economy/bioeconomy_en.

BIOEAST Initiative:

The BIOEAST Initiative – the Central-Eastern European Initiative is aimed at the steering of the cooperation in bioeconomy for the knowledge-based agriculture, aquaculture and forestry by means of research and innovation to collectively develop, beside the primary production sectors, the chemical and industrial processing, environmental protection and energy resource management. The BIOEAST initiative is oriented towards the development of sustainable circular bioeconomies in CEE countries, to benefit the society by creating jobs and growth and to provide framework conditions favourable to the development of circular economy. Since July 2018 to July 2019 the BIOEAST initiative will be developed under the Visegrad Group presidency of Slovakia.  More information about the initiative is available at http://www.bioeast.eu/.

The organigram of the BIOEAST initiative led by the Visegrad countries (V4+)

Source: http://www.bioeast.eu/

Authors: PROUNION (SK), National Cluster Association (CZ)


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)