
About three months ago, the first DIGITRANS workshop on developing digital business model ideas took place in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg. After this workshop Manuela Montesinos, CEO from BEN Europe, applied for a follow-up online and face-to-face consultation by the DIGITRANS team in Baden-Württemberg, represented by Petra Newrly (MFG Baden-Württemberg) and Martin Kinitzki (Hermann Hollerith Zentrum at Reutlingen University). This online and face-to-face consultation offers SMEs the opportunity to get a deeper understanding of the DIGITRANS method and to further develop their own new digital business model idea. In BEN Europe case this is a communication platform for paediatricians to support them in the communication with migrants or illiterate persons.

During the individual face-to-face workshop the BEN Europe team worked along the DIGITRANS method by focusing on developing a really customer oriented solution. BEN Europe’s advantage was that a paediatrician was able to participate in the workshop and could give direct feedback and input when developing the value proposition canvas or completing the business model canvas as well as testing the first prototype. A big lessons learned for BEN Europe was that it is important to listen to the customer first before developing new ideas and to not invest too much time for the first prototype development.  

New DIGITRANS trainings will be offered in autumn in Baden-Württemberg. Contact Petra Newrly (newrly@mfg.de) for further information.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)