GRENDEL - Danube region represented at the CCNR meeting on financing the greening of the fleet


GRENDEL project representative, Mr Manfred Seitz (Pro Danube International) was invited to the extraordinary meeting of the CCNR Economic Committee on 25th July 2018 in Strasbourg on financing the greening of the fleet.

The greening of the fleet is an extremely important issue for all stakeholders. Greening is no longer an option but an obligation if IWT is to assert and strengthen its position as a sustainable alternative to other more polluting modes of transport, in particular road transport. The challenge of greening inland waterway transport is therefore also essential for maintaining the attractiveness, efficiency and competitiveness of this mode of transport. In addressing this challenge, the issue of funding plays a central role.

The first goal of this CCNR initiative, to which GRENDEL is linked, was to identify some existing support mechanisms and to think about longer-term financing instruments to help green the fleet. Several approaches have been recognised:

  • grants at European and Member State level,
  • financing through the EIB and private banks (in particular through guarantee facilities),
  • contributions from the sector, including through the Reserve Fund,
  • possibility of using the potential of "green certificates",
  • Establishment of a greening fund that could bring together these different options.

However, these proposals need to be further developed. For example, the management modalities of a potential inland navigation greening fund, and in particular its contributions, should be laid down.

To this end, it was proposed to carry out a study that could be funded by a CEF PSA (program support measure) or Horizon 2020. Following its validation by the CCNR, the draft study could be submitted to the European Commission at the next CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) meeting on 29 September 2018. The other option, funding under the H2020 program, remains open.

GRENDEL will closely cooperate with CCNR and Western European countries on financing opportunities as part of its activities “Act 4.3 Finance instruments & measures” and “Act 5.2 State Aid measures & innovative financial instruments.”


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)