The LinkingDanube Concept is a guide targeted to project externals for linking multimodal traveller information services across borders. It describes the technical and organisational concept for building up a transnational, multimodal travel information service across borders that has been developed in the LinkingDanube project. It described the jointly developed technical approach and points out the significance with regard to EU policy and legislation and the impacts for service providers and end users (travellers).
The LinkingDanube Concept serves as input for the technical implementation of a decentralised travel information system (distributed journey planning system) in the pilot action of the project. On the other hand the objective and the scope of the concept are know-how transfer and take-up by project externals. The transfer of the approach is one of the premises of the concept and the LinkingDanube Concept (now available as brochure) is intended exactly for that purpose and prepares the know-how and technical approach in an understandable way for externals.